
Katsuhiko Mikoshiba, PhDProfessor


Email: mikosiba@shanghaitech.edu.cn


Add: Room A407, Y building, No393 Middle Huaxia Rd

Faculty KMS Profile

Cell Calcium Signaling Lab

Principal investigator


Katsuhiko MikoshibaProfessor , PhD, Professor



School of Life Science and Technology, Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies


Education Background:
  • 1963/04-1969/03, Keio University School of Medicine, Bachelor
  • 1969/04-1973/03, Keio University School of Medicine, Doctor
Working Experience:
  • 2019/04-Now, ShanghaiTech University, Professor
  • 2009/04-2019/03, RIKEN, Senior Team Leader
  • 2008/10-2011/09, Seoul National University, Adjunct Professor
  • 2005/10-2011/09, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Director
  • 2003/09-2015/08, Karolinska Institute, Foreign adjunct professor
  • 2000/10-2005/09, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Research Director
  • 1992/04-2007/03, RIKEN, Chief Scientist(adjunct position)
  • 1992/04-2007/03, The University of Tokyo, Professor
  • 1986/04-1991/03, National Institute of Basic Biology, Professor
  • 1985/05-1992/03, Osaka University, Professor
  • 1982/04-1985/04, Keio University, Associate Professor
  • 1976/01-1978/08, Pasteur Institute (Paris), Researcher
  • 1974/04-1983/03, Keio University, Lecturer
  • 1973/04-1974/03, Keio University, Assistant Professor

Group Introduction

Research Area:
Cell Calcium Signaling
Research Interests:

We are interested in the role and mechanism of cell signaling focusing especially on the transduction of the Ca2+ signaling. We are studying mainly four core projects as follows.


1.     Calcium Signaling in Brain

Calcium signaling in the brain is essential to maintain a normal brain structure and function. We shall study molecular mechanisms by which the IP3 receptor control neuronal morphology and function. Glial cells surround neurons to modulate their functions, so glial IP3 receptors will be also targets for our study.


2.     Calcium Signaling in Differentiation

We discovered IP3 receptor is involved in cell differentiation and development. We shall study how IP3R is involved in cell fate determination by detailed analysis of local Ca2+ signaling mediated by IP3 receptors at cellular microdomains.


3.     IP3 receptor Structure and Function

Recent studies have demonstrated atomic structures of IP3 receptors and ryanodine receptors, suggesting a shared gating mechanism. However, we have never known how IP3 and Ca2+ bind to open the channel. We shall study the gating mechanism controlled by IP3 and Ca2+.


4.     IRBIT Function and Mechanism

IRBIT is an IP3 receptor binding protein released in the presence of IP3, which is discovered and named in the Mikoshiba lab.  IRBIT regulates Ca2+ signaling, the intracellular pH homeostasis, and ribonucleotide reductase which controls tumor growth. We shall study molecular mechanism of how IRBIT controls these cellular signaling.


Group Website:

Research Achievement

Studies on the development, growth differentiation, of the nervous system.

Brain plays an important role for learning and memory and behavior, and it is composed of various types of cells such as neurons and glial cells. My lab has been intensively working on the function of each neuron and glia. To understand deeply the brain function, we introduced mutant mice which show abnormal behavior and abnormal morphogenesis.  We studied the mutants at the level of morphology, molecules and behavior.  We worked on the high molecular weight P400 protein greatly decreased in the cerebellum of Purkinje cell-degeneration mutant mice (Dev. Neurosci 1979), and discovered that P400 is the IP3 receptor (IP3R) which plays an essential role in cell signaling.  We cloned the whole cDNA sequence (Nature 1989) showing that it is the IP3R essential for Ca2+ release.

We found IP3R is important in producing Ca2+ oscillation (Science 1998) essential for fertilization (Science 1992), growth cone extension (Science Sig 2009), and behavior (Nature 1996).  Biochemical and X ray crystallographic analysis (Nature 2002, Mol. Cell 2005, PNAS 2017, Annual Rev. Physiol 2020) showed biochemical property and the gating mechanism of IP3R.

We found the chaperons (GRP78 (Neuron 2010) and ERp44 (Cell 2005, 2015))bind to IP3R and these chaperons work for protecting the brain from brain damage.  We discovered a human mutation of IP3R2 gene that results in anhidrosis (inablility to sweat) (J.Clinical Invest.2014).  IP3R2 and 3 double KO mice show abnormal exocrine function with symptoms of dry mouth and dry eye similar to that of Sjögren's syndrome (Science 2005), indicating that IP3Rs are indeed involved in exocrine secretion.  We also found that IP3R is involved in heart function (Circulation Res. 2010a,b) and cardiogenesis by producing double KO (IP3R1, 2) and double KO (IP3R1, 3) mice (PLoS One 2010)(J. Mol.Cellular Cardiology 2011).  IP3Rs associate with many functional molecules and work as a signaling hub offering a platform in association with the many functional molecules and plays complex functions.

In addition, we discovered a new molecule which is released from IP3R in the presence of IP3 and we named it IRBIT (IP3receptor binding protein released with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate) as a novel pseudo-ligand of the IP3Rs (JBC 2003, Mol. Cell 2006).  IRBIT activates the Na+/HCO3cotransporter 1 (PNAS 2006) and CFTR (Cl- transporter) (J. Clinical Invest. 2009, 2010) andNa+H+ exchanger (JBC 2013) thereby regulating acid-base balance  (PNAS 2006). IRBIT also regulates the CaMKIIα kinase activity (PNAS 2015) which is highly involved in learning and memory in the brain. It was reported that IRBIT works for tumor-suppressor.  It is surprising to know that IRBIT is working as another signaling hub like IP3R.

We are working to understand the cell function of normal abnormal state taking the advantage of our discovery of IP3-IP3R-IRBIT-Ca2+ signaling pathway.

Representative Publications (*First Author, # Corresponding Author)





  • 1. 1974, Erwin von Bälz Preis (Japan, Germany)
  • 2. 1987, Inoue Scientific Prize (Japan)
  • 3. 1987, Memorial Prize for Tsukahara Nakaakira (Brain Science Foundation)
  • 4. 1991, Osaka Prize for Science (Japan)
  • 5. 1996, Medical Award of the Japan Medical Association (Japan)
  • 6. 1997, Uehara Prize (Uehara Memorial Foundation) (Japan)
  • 7. 1998, The Keio Medical Science Prize (International Prize)
  • 8. 2000, College de France Medal (France)
  • 9. 1999, The Fritz-Lipmann Lecture Award (Germany)
  • 10. 2002, Medal of Honor with Purple Ribbon (Emperor’s Prize, Japan)
  • 11. 2003, Klaus Joachim Zülch -Preis (Max-Planck Institute, Gertrud Reemtsma Foundation)
  • 12. 2004, Takeda Medical Science Prize (Takeda Foundation, Japan)(Japan)
  • 13. 2005, Meister Prize (Endocrinology Society for Japan)
  • 14. 2006, Nobel Forum Lecture (Karolinska Institute, Sweden)
  • 15. 2008, Sherrington Lecture (Liverpool, UK)
  • 16. 2009, The Naito Foundation Research Prize (Japan)
  • 17. 2009, Japan Academy Prize (Japan)
  • 18. 2011, Honorary Doctorate at Karolinska Institutet (Medical Doctor) (Sweden)
  • 19. 2013, Martin Rodbell Memorial Lecture (NIH-NIEHS, USA)
  • 20. 2013, Légion d’ Honneur (Chevalier)
  • 21. 2018, The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Nech Ribbon (Emperors' Prize, Japan)

Research Achievement

Group Member and Photo

  • Name:Kozo Hamada
    Position:Research Associate Professor
  • Name:Zhenyun Du
  • Name:Yunhe Liu
    Position:Postgraduate Student
    Email:liuyh8@shanghait ech.edu.cn
  • Name:Xuejun Wang
    Position:Postgraduate Student
    Email:wangxj3@shanghai tech.edu.cn
  • Name:Jiahao Lin
    Position:Postgraduate Student
    Email:linjh@shanghaite ch.edu.cn
  • Name:Qing Lin
    Position:Doctoral Student
    Email:linqing@shanghai tech.edu.cn
  • Name:Qi Feng
    Position:Postgraduate Student
  • Name:Peng Wen
    Position:Postgraduate Student
