Principal investigator
Hanhui MaAssistant Professor , PhD, Assistant Professor
School of Life Science and Technology
Group Introduction
Research Area:
Genome Editing, Epigenetics and Cell Fate Decision
Research Interests:
The On-Off switch of genes is critical for cell fate decision, development and human disease. My group will combine single cell genomics and cutting-edge microscopy technology to identify what genes are turned on or off in cell type-specific or disease-specific manners. How are these genes precisely controlled in space and time? We will use CRISPR-based live cell DNA and RNA tracing system to understand the spatiotemporal regulation of genes during the physiological process, and we will harness CRISPR-based editing technology to reverse aberrant gene expression in the disease models.
Representative Publications (*First Author, # Corresponding Author)
- 1. Ma, Hanhui#*; Tu, Li-Chun; Naseri, Ardalan; Chung, Yu-Chieh; Grunwald, David; Zhang, Shaojie; Pederson, Thoru.CRISPR-Sirius: RNA scaffolds for signal amplification in genome imaging.NATURE METHODS. Nov 2018. 15(11):928-+.
- 2. Ma, Hanhui#*; Reyes-Gutierrez, Pablo; Pederson, Thoru.A CRISPR-Based Selective Gene Inhibition Method Reveals Dynamic Features of a Cell Nucleus Nanobody Related to the Disease Myotonic Dystrophy.SMALL METHODS. 2018. 2(9).
- 3. Chuai, Guohui*; Ma, Hanhui; Yan, Jifang; Chen, Ming; Hong, Nanfang; Xue, Dongyu; Zhou, Chi; Zhu, Chenyu; Chen, Ke; Duan, Bin; Gu, Feng; Qu, Sheng; Huang, Deshuang#; Wei, Jia#; Liu, Qi#.DeepCRISPR: optimized CRISPR guide RNA design by deep learning.GENOME BIOLOGY. 26 Jun 2018. 19.
- 4. Ma, Hanhui#*; Tu, Li-Chun; Naseri, Ardalan; Huisman, Maximiliaan; Zhang, Shaojie; Grunwald, David; Pederson, Thoru.Multiplexed labeling of genomic loci with dCas9 and engineered sgRNAs using CRISPRainbow.NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2016. 34(5):528-530.
- 5. Ma, Hanhui*; Tu, Li-Chun; Naseri, Ardalan; Huisman, Maximiliaan; Zhang, Shaojie; Grunwald, David; Pederson, Thoru#.CRISPR-Cas9 nuclear dynamics and target recognition in living cells.JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY. 2016. 214(5):529-537.
- 6. Ma, Hanhui#*; Naseri, Ardalan; Reyes-Gutierrez, Pablo; Wolfe, Scot A.; Zhang, Shaojie; Pederson, Thoru#.Multicolor CRISPR labeling of chromosomal loci in human cells.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2015. 112(10):3002-3007.
- 7. Ma, Hanhui#*; Reyes-Gutierrez, Pablo; Pederson, Thoru#.Visualization of repetitive DNA sequences in human chromosomes with transcription activator-like effectors.PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 2013. 110(52):21048-21053.
- 8. Ma, Hanhui#*; Pederson, Thoru#.The nucleolus stress response is coupled to an ATR-Chk1-mediated G2 arrest.MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2013. 24(9):1334-1342.
- 9. Ma, Hanhui*; McLean, Janel R.; Chao, Lucy Fang-I; Mana-Capelli, Sebastian; Paramasivam, Murugan; Hagstrom, Kirsten A.; Gould, Kathleen L.; McCollum, Dannel#.A Highly Efficient Multifunctional Tandem Affinity Purification Approach Applicable to Diverse Organisms.MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS. 2012. 11(8):501-511.
- 10. Ma, Hanhui#*; Pederson, Thoru#.Nucleophosmin is a binding partner of nucleostemin in human osteosarcoma cells.MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2008. 19(7):2870-2875.
- 11. Ma, Hanhui#*; Pederson, Thoru#.Nucleostemin: a multiplex regulator of cell-cycle progression.TRENDS IN CELL BIOLOGY. 2008. 18(12):575-579.
- 12. Ma, Hanhui#*; Pederson, Thoru#.Depletion of the nucleolar protein nucleostemin causes g1 cell cycle arrest via the p53 pathway.MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. 2007. 18(7):2630-2635.
- 13. Ma, HH*; Yang, L; Yang, XY; Xu, ZP; Li, BL#.Bacterial expression, purification, and in vitro N-myristoylation of fusion hepatitis B virus preS1 with the native-type N-terminus.PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION. 2003. 27(1):49-54.