
Fei Xu, PhDProfessor

Tel: 86-21-20685015

Email: xufei@@shanghaitech.edu.cn

Fax: 86-21-20685430

Add: 393 Middle Huaxia Road, Pudong, Shanghai

Faculty KMS Profile


Principal investigator


Fei XuProfessor , PhD, Professor



School of Life Science and Technology/ iHuman Institute


Education Background:
  • 2006/07-2011/06, Biology The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI), La Jolla, California, USA, Ph.D.
  • 2002/09-2006/07, Biological Sciences University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, B.S.
Working Experience:
  • 2023/11-Present, School of Life Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech Universtiy, Professor (TENURED)
  • 2019/12-2023/11, School of Life Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech Universtiy, Associate Professor (TENURED)
  • 2014/08-2019/12, School of Life Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University, Assistant Professor (TENURE-TRACK), PI
  • 2013/09-Present, iHuman Institute, ShanghaiTech University, Research Associate Professor,Principle Investigator
  • 2012/09-2013/09, RuiYi Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA, Scientific Consultant
  • 2011/08-2012/09, RuiYi Biopharmaceutics Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China, Founder and Director, R&D

Group Introduction

Research Area:
Structural Biology
Research Interests:

Our research focuses on employing a combination of cutting-edge membrane protein structural biology and cell biology methods. Through broad interdisciplinary collaboration, we delve into the study of a class of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) targets closely associated with human diseases, yet whose structures and mechanisms remain elusive. These targets primarily include orphan receptors, with unknown endogenous ligands, a class of non-canonical GPCR, Frizzled receptors, regulating the Wnt signaling pathway, as well as receptors and ion channels closely related to mental disorder. Our research encompasses various aspects of target protein, including three-dimensional structure and oligomeric forms, ligand recognition and modulating mechanisms, receptor activation or self-activation mechanisms, and the structure and function of signaling transduction complexes. By gaining in-depth insights into the structure and function of these proteins, we aim to provide guidance for the screening of small molecules and antibodies, driving the discovery and development of relevant drugs.

Group Website:

Research Achievement

Our research group employs cutting-edge G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) technologies to address pivotal biological questions and advance drug development and applications. We have reported the structure of the TAAR1 receptor, a target for addictive drugs like methamphetamine, elucidating the ligand recognition and structural pharmacological mechanisms of this crucial target in mental disorders. This paper was published as AAP (accelerated article preview) on “Nature in Nov 7, 2023. We have also analyzed the three-dimensional structures of distinct functional states of the first human orphan receptor GPR52, proposing a unique self-activation mechanism with high basal activity specific to orphan receptors. The relevant papers and a series of subsequent works were published in Nature (2022), in Nature Communications (2023) and Cell Discovery (2023) among other journals. The first protein structure in the Frizzled receptor family revealed unique structural features and the research potential of these proteins as potential cancer targets. Related work and subsequent research were published in Nature (2018), Cell Research (2021), and the recently accepted Cell Discovery. We have also elucidated the high-resolution structure of the human apelin receptor binding to endogenous peptide ligands, unraveling the mystery of class-A GPCR dimerization. The relevant work was published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology in 2022 and Structure in 2017. Additionally, our research around GPCR and ion channel targets related to mental disorders, cancers, etc., has led to a series of original scientific discoveries, with outcomes published in academic journals such as Neuron, Protein & Cell, J Med Chem and others.

Representative Publications (*First Author, # Corresponding Author)





Research Achievement

Group Member and Photo
