
Xiaojie Zhang, PhDAssistant Professor

Tel: 86-21-20685712

Email: zhangxj2@shanghaitech.edu.cn


Add: 393 Middle Huaxia Road, Pudong, Shanghai

Faculty KMS Profile


Principal investigator


Xiaojie ZhangAssistant Professor , PhD, Assistant Professor



School of Life Science and Technology, iHuman Institute


Education Background:
  • 2007/09-2011/06, Jilin University, China, B.S.
  • 2011/09-2016/06, Tsinghua University, China, Ph.D.
Working Experience:
  • 2016/08-2016/12, Tsinghua University, China, Research assistant, Postdoc
  • 2017/02-2017/10, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany, Postdoc
  • 2017/11-2023/04, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany, Postdoc
  • 2023/06-Now, ShanghaiTech University, School of Life Science and Technology/iHuman Institute, Assistant Professor (TENURE-TRACK), PI

Group Introduction

Research Area:
In-cell structural biology, cryo-electron tomography
Research Interests:

The cryo-focused ion beam (FIB) milling technology developed in recent years opens a window for direct visualization of macromolecular interactions inside cell at its physiological state. Combined with cryo-electron tomography (ET) and cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), our group leverage cross-scale technologies to study the structural and functional events of cells in situ, focusing on cancer, a growing global health problem. Since many tumor-related proteins can form micron-scale cellular condensates (via phase separation) and participate in critical events such as signaling and metabolism, our group will study the assembly modes of condensates involved in tumorigenesis and anti-tumor immunity. By further integrating quantitative mass spectrometry (MS), artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted complex structure simulation, and high-resolution structural information, we aim to understand molecular mechanisms for cellular condensate formation. Specific research directions include the molecular architectures of cyclic GMP-AMP synthase condensate, immune synapse, and metabolic condensates directly inside tumor cells, and ultimately the development of new strategies for cancer treatment drug design.

Group Website:

Research Achievement

Representative Publications (*First Author, # Corresponding Author)





Research Achievement

Group Member and Photo
